Filters are responsible for transforming the current request to a database query.

Creating Filters

You can generate new filter classes by calling the root:filter artisan command:

php artisan root:filter Category

Registering Filters

You can register filters in resources and extracts, by using the filters method.

use App\Root\Filters\Category;
use Cone\Root\Http\Requests\RootRequest;

 * Define the filters for the resource.
 * @param  \Cone\Root\Http\Requests\RootRequest  $request
 * @return array
public function filters(RootRequest $request): array
    return [

Alternatively, you can use withFilters method on an object that resovles filters. It can be useful when you just want to hook into the object for some reason.

use App\Root\Filters\Category;
use Cone\Root\Support\Collections\Filters;
use Cone\Root\Http\Requests\RootRequest;

$resource->withFilters(static function (RootRequest $request, Filters $filters): Filters {
    return $filters->merge([

You can also pass an array instead of a Closure. In that case the array will be merged into the collection.



Filters have an option method, where you can define the selectable options:

namespace App\Root\Filters;

use Cone\Root\Filters\Filter;
use Cone\Root\Http\Requests\RootRequest;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;

class Category extends Filter
     * Apply the filter on the query.
     * @param  \Cone\Root\Http\Requests\RootRequest  $request
     * @param  \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder  $query
     * @param  mixed  $value
     * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder
    public function apply(RootRequest $request, Builder $query, mixed $value): Builder
        return $query->where('category', $value);

     * Get the filter options.
     * @param  \Cone\Root\Http\Requests\RootRequest  $request
     * @return array
    public function options(RootRequest $request): array
        return [
            'product' => 'Product',
            'service' => 'Service',

Also, you may configure a select filter with multiple selectable choices. To do so, call the multiple method on the filter instance:


Custom Components

By default, filters use the Select form component, however you can use any component you want. You may also register your own custom component as well:

document.addEventListener('root:booting', ({ detail }) => {'CustomFilter', require('./Components/CustomFilter').defaul);
use Cone\Root\Filters\Filter;

class CustomFilter extends Filter
     * The Vue component.
     * @var string|null
    protected ?string $component = 'CustomFilter';

Functional Filters

Also, in some cases you may interact with the Query Builder in a filter, but you don't want to render any component for it on the front-end. In that case, you may use functional components. For functional components the $component property is set to null:

use Cone\Root\Filters\Filter;

class FunctionalFilter extends Filter
     * The Vue component.
     * @var string|null
    protected ?string $component = null;


You may allow or disallow interaction with filters. To do so, you can call the authorize method on the filter instance:

$filter->authorize(static function (RootRequest $request): bool {
    return $request->user()->isAdmin();